Liminal spaces and twilight zones represent the in between in our psyche, the place we can't grasp. There is a fairytale component in these pieces. Various animal figures feature; joy but a sense of the wild, or a wilderness we see in our dreams. 
Nightfall, 76 x 61cm (sold) Tin Man Art x Paul Smith Space. 
“The curtains of darkness slammed shut. A figure crouched down, with flames kissing the cold, the moon soaking her corpulent coat, she feared the sparks the future alluded to.”  I often write before I paint, it helps me start. These were the rough words for this composition.

Harvest Moon, oil on canvas, framed. 49 x 49cm, sold

Dusk's cloak, 30 x 30cm, oil on canvas, Jan 25

Light borrower, Art on a Postcard, sold at auction

Nocturnal gathering, Canal Boat Contemporary, acrylic and oil on card backed on wood. 10 x 10cm. Sold

Horses for your kingdom, oil and acrylic on canvas. 120cm x 90cm, sold

In flight, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2023

Nocturnal meandering, 2023, Art & People show, sold

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